3.5.17, 1 WEEK OLD!
WOOHOOO!! I turned 1 week old today! Today, I weigh 1lb 13.2oz. Mommy and Daddy came by early to spend the day the with me before they went to church. I am off phototherapy lights again and was able to sleep for most of the morning. Since today is day of life 7 for me, I got my head US to rule out any head bleeds. We received preliminary results from the nurse but won't know anything concrete till rounds in the morning with the doctors. I hope everything comes back fine since I know my mommy is so worried about me. In the afternoon, my ninang Joy and ninong Hon visited me for my 1 week bday! yay!! I didn't open my eyes much today though even though my sunglasses were off so ninang Joy wasn't able to see them. They started back my feeds today again after my transfusion from yesterday. I was able to eat 2ml every 3hrs through my feeding tube and produce some poopy diapers!! woot woot!! Mommy is trying to make as much milk as she can for me to eat!