3.7.16, Day 9
Today I weigh 1lb 14.7oz!!! .7oz bigger than my birth weight!! yay!!!! I had a pretty tiring day though. During rounds, the doctor seemed to think that we need to go up on my ventilator settings due to the fact that I was requiring a lot more oxygen. They also shot a chest X-ray and a belly X-ray just to make sure it isn't my breathing tube that was making me do that or that it isn't anything in my abdomen that is making me require more oxygen compared to the past couple of days. When the Xray results came back, the doctor told mommy that it looks worse compared to the previous one they did 3 days ago. He seems to think that there could be fluid in my lungs. They also did another ECHO to look at my heart because today they couldn't hear the murmur. The doctor wanted to make sure my PDA did not get bigger...big enough to where shunting of the blood is free flowing that now we can't hear the murmur. My mommy is so worried. She went home to get some clothes so she can spend the night with me! yay!
My nurse put me on tummy time today too! I loved it! I could breath better and was requiring less oxygen when I was on my tummy. I hope they do that often so I can sleep and rest comfortably!
The ECHO results came back and said that i still have a "moderate PDA." The doctors decided to just start me on Lasix and to restrict some of the fluids i'm getting through my PICC line. I hope to diurese some of the fluids I have in my lung area so I can breath better.
...mommy and I will have a slumber party tonight in my room! yay!!